Demo text box

É um espaço aberto aos amantes e praticantes do desenho de observação, nascidos ou residentes na Região Autónoma da Madeira, que queiram partilhar os desenhos/sketches que realizam em folhas, blocos, cadernos de viagens, ou em diários gráficos.

domingo, 31 de março de 2013

Keeping promises...

I kept my promise :D writing with sketch...

"Late breakfast...Although I woke up early... Breakfast in my room although its forbitten... There are some rules meant to be broken from time to time. 
How peacefull my drawing looks compared to the noises I'm hearing outside. Cars, even an airplain, people talking.
I need stillness today... So I look at my drawing.
I can smell the odor of coffee, true coffee on its making... from coffee beans... What a glorious smell....
My mouth is full of this taste, taste of my vice. It warms me up, this coffe makes me feel at home.
It's called Delta, it's from Portugal. Still feel the taste of a golden toast with strawberry jam.... Delicious. You can see a bit left on my plate, on my drawing.
Where did the sun go.... It was a beautiful morning, the sunshine was so strong that I didn't put my T-shirt on me....
I see the shadows shifting has the day grows gray every minute that passes.... I look at my drawing it's still warm... I look at the drawing and realize I have a book to read "Words for Wellbeing"...

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